Sunday, January 4, 2015

Bye Bye Baby...

It has happened. We no longer have a baby in our home. For some reason, even though my son is almost 2, and is a considered a toddler, he still feels like my baby. But now he has done the unthinkable! While shopping at Target, my husband called with the happy news. Dominic was taking his nap in crib, until suddenly he wasn't. He managed to thump and thud his way out of the crib and open his door to greet his dad in the hallway. My daughter did the same thing at this very age. I knew it was coming, yet still it is hard to prepare for. Part of the resistance to it is of course you worry about your child's safety. But if I am honest with myself, it is the realization that there is no more baby in the home and their likely never will be again. I will be sad for a short time, but then quickly refocus and realize that although this phase in my life is over, our family has so many things to look forward to. Time for a new toddler rail!

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