Wednesday, January 21, 2015

My personal laundry mat

Is it just me, or are we the only ones that CONSTANTLY have a pile of laundry? Clean laundry, dirty laundry, wet towel laundry, clean folded, clean and unfolded, clothes in the washer, clothes in the dryer, the list goes on and on...To keep the house looking a little less like the local laundry mat had a throw up party at your house, you may need to invest in a multiple laundry baskets. For some reason, it took me longer than it should have to realize something so logical! We like to keep 5 baskets in our home: 1 for the Mr. & Mrs., one each for both the kids, and 2 baskets for clean laundry. Try the mesh heavy duty fold up baskets! They are economically priced and the fold up feature allows them to hang in your laundry room.

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